Planter fasciitis is a condition characterized by heel pain due to the inflammation in planter fascia.
Planter fascia is a band of fibrous tissue which runs from heel to toes.
Planter fascia helps the foot to bear the body weight.
This condition is also called policemen’s heel.
- Idiopathic
- Excessive stretching of the foot
- Abnormal walking pattern
- Improper structure of the foot
- Throbbing pain in the heel
- Inflammation in the foot near the heel
- Weight bearing on affecting side is difficult
- Unable to walk and run
- Age more common within the people of age group 40 to 80
- Activity of daily living which put excessive pressure on the foot
- Foot structure for eg: flat feet
- Occupations that involve prolong standing on irregular and hard surfaces
- Obesity being overweight can cause stress on the feet that may lead to small tears in the planter fascia.
- Self-care at home- ice application, giving rest to the affected foot, protecting the foot by using brace.
- Strengthening exercises for lower limb muscles.
- Stretching exercises
- Avoid running and aggravating activities
- Avoid wearing improper fitting shoes
- Avoid sports activities until the condition is healed properly
- Keep doing stretching and strengthening exercises to prevent further injury.
- Giving rest to the foot.
When to see the doctor