IT is a condition of median nerve compression characterized by more than one symptom which include pain within wrist joint, restricted movements of hand and fingers.
- Wrist fracture
- Osteoarthritis
- Resting your hand at single position for prolong time
- Repetitive hand and wrist movements
- Over typing
- Pregnancy
- Auto immune disorders
Signs and Symptoms
- Wrist pain
- Numbness
- Tingling sensation
- Muscle weakness
- Restricted wrist movements
- Burning sensation
- Shock like vibrations
Risk Factors
- GENDER- More common in women
- Genetics-
- Repetitive wrist and hand movements
- Wrist fracture/dislocation
- nerve injuries
- inflammatory conditions
- fluid retention
- avoid repetitive wrist movements
- stretching exercises
- strengthening exercises
- immobilization
- rest
Exercise protocol to follow-
- ball squeezing exercise
- gripper exercise
- wrist upward stretch (extension)
- inward stretch (flexion)
- pectoralis stretch
- scalene stretch
- mid trapezius exercise
- stretching of wrist with weight
- strengthening of muscles
- Avoid over use of hand and wrist movements
- Avoid sleeping on affected arm
- Giving rest to affected wrist in frequent interval
- Correct your posture
- Gripping force to be reduced
When to see the doctor
- When tingling sensation increases that interrupt your daily activities.
- When you feel weakness and numbness in hand that interfere with your daily activities and sleep cycle.