Low back pain is the discomfort felt in the lower region of lumbar spine, which may or may not have the involvement of discs, ligaments, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.

Strain in the muscles or ligaments, spasmed muscle, tension in muscle, damages in disks, RTA injuries, fractures, or fall injuries Ruptured disks: disks acts as a cushion between each vertebra in the spine. Ruptures in the disk leads to pressure on a nerve causing back pain. Sciatica: A sharp and shooting pain which moves through the buttock and down the back of the leg, caused by a protrusion of disk on a nerve. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis generally leads to problems with the various joints in the body such as hip, knee and lumbar vertebrae. Abnormal curvature of the spine: If the spine curves in an unusual way, back pain can result. An example is scoliosis, in which the spine curves to the side. Osteoporosis: due to degenerative changes in the bones, bones become brittle, porous, and week leading to compression fractures in vertebrae.

Risk factors
Work related activities, posture during pregnancy, a desk job and sitting lifestyle, poor physical fitness, aging, obesity, and overweight, strenuous physical exercise or work like heavy weightlifting, if done incorrectly, lifting something in poor posture, making an abrupt and awkward movement.

Inflammation or swelling on the back region, long standing back pain, in which there is no improvement with lying down or resting, pain moving towards the legs, acute injury, hit or fall on the back, numbness around the buttocks along with back region, Due to fever resulting in body weakness ends up causing backpain.

When to see a doctor
On Experiencing long standing numbness or tingling, or if the back pain shows no improvement with rest, or the symptoms increase with time and bothers in daily activity.

Back press exercise: lying on your back, pull your navel towards your spine. You can do this by placing a towel roll below your lower back. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds.

Pelvic tilt: lie on your back with your knees bent. Next, arch your lower back and then flatten it repeatedly. Your pelvis should tilt forward and back during the movement through a comfortable range of motion. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds.

Bridging; lie on your back with your knees bent. Next, arch your lower back and then flatten it repeatedly. Your pelvis should tilt forward and back during the movement through a comfortable range of motion. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds.

Prone on elbows; lying face down, slowly press up and prop yourself up on your elbows. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds.

Cat and camel, while lying on your side slowly raise up your top leg to the side. Keep your knee straight and keep your toes pointing forward. The bottom leg can be bent to stabilize your body. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds. Repeat 7-10 times with hold of 5-7 seconds.

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