Tag: Causes


Tail bone pain is also known as coccydynia. It is the end part of vertebralcolumn in which pain persists on prolonged sitting and due to manyother reasons. CAUSES• It can be caused due to any trauma• Prolonged sitting• Prolonged standing• Sitting to standing• Degenerative disc disease• Difficult childbirth• Dislocation or break of coccyx due to

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OSTEOARTHRITIS – Its Causes, sign & symptoms

Inflammation of joints is called arthritis. The destruction of cartilage between bones forming the joint causes inflammation to that joint that causes friction between bones i.e.; rubbing of bones together. It can occur in any joint. More common in knee joint. CAUSES Obesity Genetics Injury to joint Repetitive joint movements Autoimmune disorders Dislocation of joint

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IT is a condition of median nerve compression characterized by more than one symptom which include pain within wrist joint, restricted movements of hand and fingers. Causes Wrist fracture Osteoarthritis Resting your hand at single position for prolong time Repetitive hand and wrist movements Over typing Pregnancy Auto immune disorders Signs and Symptoms Wrist pain

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Frozen shoulder is also termed as periarthritis shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. It can be defined as a condition of glenohumeral joint that causes acute inflammation and subsequent stiffness of shoulder joint. Inflammatory degeneration of shoulder joint capsule and soft tissues surrounding it, results in adhesions. Causes Lunberg classified into two groups a) Primary frozen shoulder-

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